Gun violence claims the lives of thousands of Americans every year. Despite outcry following mass shootings, little seems to ever be done to save American lives.
Dr. Stokes knows it's time for change. As a child in Las Vegas, he and his mother were stalked by a man with a gun. One of his acquaintances was grazed by a bullet in a drive-by shooting outside their elementary school. DaShanne frequently found bullet casings on the ground at his elementary school and around his neighborhood. Dr. Stokes was in one of the buildings locked down during the 2012 Western Psychiatric shooting. He also had family in Las Vegas at the time of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. This madness needs to end.
For journalist inquiries, or to inquire about booking Dr. Stokes for a television, radio, or other media program, please email media (at) dashannestokes (dot) com.
Sky News Tonight:
U.S. Gun Control: Congress, Donald Trump, and the Quest to End Mass Shootings and Gun Violence
Dr. Stokes appeared on Sky News Tonight (UK), to discuss Congressional legislation to end gun violence and Donald Trump's claims to want to reduce mass shootings on September 4, 2019.
Sky News Tonight:
March for Our Lives: Ending Gun Violence and Political Implications for Donald Trump and the 2018 Midterm Elections
Dr. Stokes appeared on Sky News Tonight (UK), to discuss the global March for Our Lives protest, ending gun violence, and the movement's implications for President Donald Trump and the 2018 Midterm Elections on March 24, 2018.
Sky News Tonight:
Donald Trump and Political Response to the Florida Shooting
Dr. Stokes appeared on Sky News Tonight (UK), to discuss the Florida shooting, Donald Trump's response, and the shooting's political implications on February 15, 2018.
"If you think guns make us safer and deter violence, remember that JFK and Reagan were surrounded by some of the world's best armed guards and their guns did not prevent the shootings."
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"Saying gun control hurts our freedom is a false argument amounting to propaganda. Gun laws don't curtail freedom any more than speed limits or seat belts. You still get to drive your car and have guns, we're just trying to save lives as you do."
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"It's sickening to know that the NRA and gun manufacturers will likely get a boost in sales and memberships from yet another massacre. They are profiting from death."
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"The GOP saying they don't want politics in response to another mass shooting is another attempt to silence opposition, benefiting the NRA and gun manufacturers. People are dying. It is always time to talk about saving lives."
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"I'm from Las Vegas and I have to ask: What message does it send would-be murderers that our president once bragged he could shoot somebody not lose voters?"
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"If the GOP truly cared about saving lives, they'd stop blocking gun violence research."
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"Before Trump offers prayers and condolences for yet another mass shooting, he should offer apologies to America for inciting violence and bragging he could shoot someone and not lose voters."
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"As we talk about gun violence, we need to talk about the violence incited by Trump and implicitly condoned by the GOP."
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"The GOP preventing gun violence research tells me they care less about human life than about protecting the NRA and gun manufacturers' profit margins."
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"The GOP and NRA blocking gun violence research tells me they want to keep people ignorant to benefit the NRA and gun manufacturers no matter how many die in the process."
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"Prayer alone benefits the NRA and gun manufacturers because it doesn't lead to change. Helping people requires change--making prayers real through action."
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"If guns don't kill people, why do mass killers arm themselves with guns?"
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"When a country with less than five percent of the world's population has nearly half of the world's privately owned guns and makes up nearly a third of the world's mass shootings, it's time to stop saying guns make us safer."
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"When nearly 3,000 people died on 9/11, it was enough to create massive change in our society. Over ten times as many people die from guns each year. Where is the social change?"
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"Thoughts and prayers won't stop a speeding bullet."
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